Anonda Bell
Artist Book
Anonymous Women Albums
This series speaks to recorded histories where the contributions of women are largely absent or ignored or obliterated. Working with ephemeral materials, a slew of photo albums have been reconstituted to reflect the lives of hundreds of anonymous women who shall forever remain unknown. The women in these albums enact daily routines and rituals most commonly associated with the female gender.
Resist: A Coloring Book for Resistant Individuals
Edition 400
Images in this book were inspired by protest posters created for marches held around the world in 2017. This book parodies the current obsession with meditative coloring books as a way to relax and disengage with the world at large. This coloring book intends to focus individuals attention to the important matters at hand. The coloring process is intended to stimulate thought rather than empty the mind. This book is available for sale at Printed Matter (
Ways To Refer To Her
Edition 88
Language both reflects and creates reality - it has an impact on thoughts and actions. How we use language alters the way we experience the world. Much commonly used language to refer to women is inherently negative - steeped in age old biases, sexism and misogyny. This book is available for sale at Printed Matter (